Friday, April 16, 2010

What is Dharm

This site is dedicated to disseminating information and opinions about Dharm.

The word Dharm originates from Sanskrit, and is the term used in Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism, and other religions which originated in India. However it does not technically imply a specific religion. It’s meaning is the philosophy of right thoughts and actions.

One of distinct features of Hinduism is that it accepts that there are many ways to reach God, and that practices we term as Hinduism is one of them. Over the years this had led to the development of many schools of thoughts in Hinduism. Any of these schools of thought are considered no less Hindu than the next.

Some other distinct features of Hinduism are:

  • Hinduism challenged you to think, not to follow blindly. Certainly philosophical ideas are presented. However, practice of Hinduism means understand them with a curious mind. Hindu scriptures are replete with seekers asking questions of the Seers of the day.

    The Bhagvad Gita, which is the repository of the essense of Hindu philosophy is almost solely complosed of Arjun, asking and questionening, anc challenging Krisna about the rights and wrongs of life.
  • The objective of life are oneness with God, not just the heavens. Reaching heavens is after all an act of enjoying the fruits of ones actions. While this is a nobel objective, reaching “prfection” is considered the higher, and the ultimate goal.

Of course, the freedom to think also leads to the freedom not to think. There is no compunction to study the great (and in this writers opinion) unequaled philosophical scriptures in Hinduism. Over time the Hindus of India have lost their path and suffered (and are still suffering) the consequences in the form of violent invasions, and the decine in society.

There are many misconceptions about Hinduism, held even by the practicing Hindus. Some of these are:

  • A common belief that Hinduism is a passive religions where one leaves ones fate to God. Nothing can be further from the truth. The Bhagvad Gita it written around Krsna telling Arjun that as a worrier, he must fight the just war. The word “just” is critical here.
  • The modern prayers consist primarily of asking God for material things. Clearly this is very far indeed from what Hinduism teaches. This practice is a sin which needs to be addressed.
  • A common belief that one is born into a particular caste. In fact the classification of Brahman (teachers/priests), Kshatriya (warriers/rulers), Vaishya (traders), Sudra (labourers) are by profession, not by birth.

We hope the educational nature of this site will:

  • Help Hindus understand the true nature of Hinduism
  • Help non-Hindus understand the true nature of Hinduism
  • Plant a seed in our minds to discard the practice of begging God for material things, and ask for wisdom to perform the right actions in life.
  • Provide access to Hindu philosophy and scriptures

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